by Leslie Noyes | Apr 5, 2021 | Inspiration
Top: The rug covered parking area; left: After dinner fish waiting for it’s to-go box. Not the Usual Diner The last few winters I’ve stayed in a cabin on one of the tributaries of Blackfish Creek about 45 minutes below Savannah, Georgia, and across the marsh...
by Leslie Noyes | Mar 27, 2021 | Inspiration
Glory-of-the-Snow When I was young, mothers let their children roam free. I don’t think Vermont parents of the mid-1960s gave this much thought except to feel relief that the kids were not underfoot. After being shooed out of the house, we were not expected to show up...
by Leslie Noyes | Mar 3, 2021 | Inspiration
Winnie is resting after making mischief and mayhem. The Grandpoodle This is Winnie Blue. Winnie is my daughter’s dog and therefore my grandpoodle. She is a typical poodle—mischievous, bossy, smart, and a great communicator of her needs whether she wants you to throw a...
by Leslie Noyes | Feb 1, 2021 | Inspiration
The Tea Divide Let’s start here: I come from a family who sweetens tea to our individual tastes. For instance, my grandmother, Sarah Mary, took her iced tea with a teeny-tiny saccharin tablet—the only artificial sweetener available back then. At home, she stirred it...
by Leslie Noyes | Jan 2, 2021 | Inspiration
Ollie the Poodle This is Ollie, my beloved standard poodle. Ollie was smarter than I’ll ever be and had a great sense of humor. His only fault was that he was a terrible garbage hound. After several attempts at locking the garbage away failed to keep him out, he broke...
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